
93 Pins
The only 2 creatures that didn't run away after they got to know me. Cats are the only ones that taught me what Love really is. And this type of Love I feel for my cats will always be unconditional. I don't know where or what I'd be without my fur babies. 💯 I love you Missy, I love you Mimi so fucking much. 🥰 #realtalk #furryangels #mysaviors #mylovewillalwaysbereal #catdad #16montholdteenager #almostan8yearoldlady #myfurbabies #illgojohnwickformycats #hegoodtome #pleasedonttakemycatsawayfro...
The only 2 creatures that didn't run away after they got to know me. Cats are the only ones that taught me what Love really is. And this type of Love I feel for my cats will always be unconditional. I don't know where or what I'd be without my fur babies. 💯 I love you Missy, I love you Mimi so fucking much. 🥰 #realtalk #furryangels #mysaviors #mylovewillalwaysbereal #catdad #16montholdteenager #almostan8yearoldlady #myfurbabies #illgojohnwickformycats #hegoodtome #pleasedonttakemycatsawayfro...
The only 2 creatures that didn't run away after they got to know me. Cats are the only ones that taught me what Love really is. And this type of Love I feel for my cats will always be unconditional. I don't know where or what I'd be without my fur babies. 💯 I love you Missy, I love you Mimi so fucking much. 🥰 #realtalk #furryangels #mysaviors #mylovewillalwaysbereal #catdad #16montholdteenager #almostan8yearoldlady #myfurbabies #illgojohnwickformycats #hegoodtome #pleasedonttakemycatsawayfro...
The only 2 creatures that didn't run away after they got to know me. Cats are the only ones that taught me what Love really is. And this type of Love I feel for my cats will always be unconditional. I don't know where or what I'd be without my fur babies. 💯 I love you Missy, I love you Mimi so fucking much. 🥰 #realtalk #furryangels #mysaviors #mylovewillalwaysbereal #catdad #16montholdteenager #almostan8yearoldlady #myfurbabies #illgojohnwickformycats #hegoodtome #pleasedonttakemycatsawayfro...
The way my life has always been so far, I don't see anything ever changing. Everyone else will get loyalty and respect or a faithful love, while I'm stuck single, left to suffer in my loneliness, jealous. 😢 I swear this life is just one big joke on me. I'll never be truly loved, since everyone knows that real love is inseparable. Regardless of what anyone says. #waitingfornothing #iguess #mrlonely
Blow me like I'm the only candle for your cake, ladies. And keep me as your only candle for life. 😘 And I want a lot more than just a weekend. More like hot and heavy all week for the rest of life. I deserve all of my wishes. I deserve all of my dreams. I deserve all of the pussy in the world. Even my mom would agree." #outandabout #citytrekking #ideserveallthebitchesiwant #pleasenomentalgames #honestyiskey #blowmebitches #respectfully #ilovewomen #timetomoveon #singleandlookingforlove #sin...
Blow me like I'm the only candle for your cake, ladies. And keep me as your only candle for life. 😘 And I want a lot more than just a weekend. More like hot and heavy all week for the rest of life. I deserve all of my wishes. I deserve all of my dreams. I deserve all of the pussy in the world. Even my mom would agree." #outandabout #citytrekking #ideserveallthebitchesiwant #pleasenomentalgames #honestyiskey #blowmebitches #respectfully #ilovewomen #timetomoveon #singleandlookingforlove #sin...
But at least depression loves me enough to never leave me and always stay by my side though everything... #allimworthapparently #nopointintrying #atleastdepressionstayswithme
I stand alone. I walk alone. So I just have to accept once again that I will always be all alone. Do you wanna know how many times I told myself goodbye! 'cause you're not here.." #outandabout #lonely4life #itiswhatitis #begoodtome #imtiredinmysoul #closereveryday #igiveuponlove #idonthavemuchleftinme #mywilltoliveisfading #whyliveifyoucantenjoyit #whyliveifimgonnabelonely
I want the fucking galaxy now. #pleasebegoodtome #ijustwantalltypesoflove #wheresmylifepartner #apartofmyeverything
Ya having fun with y'all's make-believe fairytales, getting big sad and big mad that nothing can be proved... I'm hated but it doesn't faze me. #thejealousgonnahate #stupidisasstupiddoes #imgoodregardless
💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 I deserve to be happy and I know I will live happily ever after, earning everything so it won't ever be taken away from me by the hands of jealous, hating posers that want to say, do and have the same things. I attract all that is truly beautiful from within and out to me. As well as my attraction to be inseparable from my twin flame/my other half/my life partner/ my goddess/my bitch. Because being inseparable is what real love is. #pleasebegoodtome #iknowideserveitall #regardles...
I will not ever lessen myself to comfort the sensitive. I have my sensitivities as well but I don't let it consume me. I will face danger face to face. #begoodtome #thatsayouproblem #iwillnotlessenmyself #matchmineorbegone #iwillslowdown #iwillonlygetfasterandstronger #mydivineenergy #iwillnotsufferanymore #whatyouthinkofmeisyourproblem