
24 Pins
EVOLVE, Peter König
This is a sampling of the many hi-res rocks I sculpted as a remote contractor for Turtle Rock Studios from 2013 to 2015. Though some of them had specialty uses, like stairs or bridges, many of the assets needed to mix and match and work from multiple angles in order to get the most from each model. It was a great 2.5 year run at TRS, lots of great people there!
Rock Sculpt, Oskar Selin
Rock Sculpt, Oskar Selin on ArtStation at
SID: Photo
Black | 黒 | Kuro | Nero | Noir | Preto | Ebony | Sable | Onyx | Charcoal | Obsidian | Jet | Raven | Color | Texture | Pattern |
MARYOTT'S DAYLILY GARDENS...quality plants since 1978
Daylily, Hemerocallis 'Mexican Fiesta' (Maryott, 2014)
Rawk - Post any rocks you make here! - Page 14
Rawk - Post any rocks you make here! - Page 14 - Polycount Forum
Porous Rock / Substance Designer, Chris Hodgson
ArtStation - Porous Rock / Substance Designer, Chris Hodgson
Rawk - Post any rocks you make here! - Page 17
Crazyeyes wrote: » Heres some of my old ones from way back in the day. Always loved those man! Saved forever!
iRay Renders - Substance Mossy Rock., Pierre FLEAU
iRay Renders - Substance Mossy Rock., Pierre FLEAU on ArtStation at
Substance: Red Rock Cliff Face | Bradfolio
Polycount's Weekly Substance Challenge #8: Red Rock Cliff Face | Substance Designer | Gallery and Mini Tutorial
40+ Breathtaking Photos Of Iceland: Photo Contest Finalists
Moody Kirkjufell Reflections! by AshGerrardPhoto91 - Landscapes Of Iceland Photo Contest