painting ideas

338 Pins
The Wheel Of The Year
The Holly King - Lunaesque Productions - Photography © Carri Angel
Яндекс.Картинки - Россия, Ивангород. . Великая Эпоха. . Рим: Римские легионеры в бою (43 ФОТО)
Roman Centurion of the 2ndCentury AD portrayed by Dave Michaels of the Legion Six Historical Foundation.
Madame Sherri Forest in New Hampshire-lovely
Madame Sherri Forest in New Hampshire, staircase that once led to a mansion, by esmeralda
DyeHardClothing - Etsy
Stone stairs leading to... where?
The Roman Baths, Bath
The Roman Baths, Bath The Roman Baths at Bath, Somerset, UK. One of the few places where a natural thermal spa occurs.