經典重現 – IBM 識別手冊復刻

這本現在可以買得到,彩瑜,你要試著寫成文章嗎?之前站上有刊過NASA跟紐約地鐵的,下面兩篇是參考資料... https://www.behance.net/gallery/62754219/IBM-Paul-Rands-Graphic-Standards-Manual-reprint https://www.itsnicethat.com/features/paul-rand-ibm-graphic-standards-manual-empire-editions-publication-graphic-design-180418
8 Pins
IBM, Paul Rand’s Graphic Standards Manual reprint
IBM, Paul Rand’s Graphic Standards Manual reprint on Behance
Design to improve the general quality of life: exploring Paul Rand's IBM Graphic Standards Manual
Design to improve the general quality of life: exploring Paul Rand's IBM Graphic Standards Manual
Design to improve the general quality of life: exploring Paul Rand's IBM Graphic Standards Manual
Design to improve the general quality of life: exploring Paul Rand's IBM Graphic Standards Manual
Design to improve the general quality of life: exploring Paul Rand's IBM Graphic Standards Manual
IBM, Paul Rand’s Graphic Standards Manual reprint
IBM, Paul Rand’s Graphic Standards Manual reprint on Behance