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Beautiful Blue China Tea Cup Coaster Set from etsy / popthatcassette
DIY Toy: Perler Bead Mazes
DIY Toy: Perler Bead Mazes | A simple, colorful, easy to make perler bead project for kids that doubles as a design exercise!
love the color combinations on these melty bead coasters : Untitled | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Cross stitch and plastic beads
Combine cross stitch patterns with plastic (perler/hama/ironing) beads and this is what you get! In English & Swedish.
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Felted iPad case with a turkish inspired design made out perler beads by AYDAN'S
Hama Bead V W Campervan
Gotta make this for my mom, we got a lot of that stuff hanging around the house
Angel wing hama beads