
Curiano Life Quotes - Curiano Quotes - Page 2531
Good Life Quote Ru (goodlifequoteru.com) for more Quote, Life Quote, Love Quotes, Free Quotes, Live Life Quote, Quotes about Moving On, Letting Go Quotes …
It's my turn now. ✨ . |This piece is also included in my 4th book 'SpilledWords: The Crimson Kiss Quote Collection' | Available through all Amazon channels. Hit the link in my bio . #CiciB #SpilledWords #thecrimsonkissquotecollection
13 reminders for single tasking | Jo ChunYan
MULTI-TASKING is out - FOCUS & MINDFULNESS is in. Here are some reminders to help you to learn to single task & focus again.
blithe handmaid
"She didn't need to be saved. She needed to be found and appreciated, for exactly who she was." -j. iron word source: blithe handmaid
Not that I'm available or ever will be again... But this is what anyone who even thinks about getting close to me needs to know!
This Week’s Quote
I've always questioned the original quote - this adaptation is so much better . . . @Sharon Macdonald Macdonald Macdonald Oh Really