Everyday Life & Quotes

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three things matter: how much you loved; how gently you lived; and how gracefully you et go of things not meant for you. -Buddha
Tegeltjeswijsheid 52
Echt luisteren - Pas wanneer je leert te luisteren om te begrijpen, in plaats van te luisteren om te reageren, ontstaat er echt contact
The funny thing is, when you don’t let people disrespect you, they start calling you difficult - Quotes
Daily Motivational And Inspirational Quotes
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Things to remember in tough times | Mental health and wellness | Tomorrow is a new day, making mistakes is a part of life, saying no is okay, not everyone has to like you, beauty & strength come from within Quotes and positivity | Improve your mind #mentalhealth #positive #quotes
The Letter Tribe
The most versatile and minimalist decoration for your home - felt letter board. Totally in love with #thelettertribe and all of the fun boards they create! Inspirational and funny letter board quotes. Europe. The Letter Tribe
The best Winnie the Pooh quotes to guide you through life
Best ever Winnie the Pooh quotes to guide you through lifeprimamagazine #bestfriendquotes