Design and kunstzinnig plateel aardewerk

Interieur, design
58 Pins
Nederlands keramiek | 70+ jaar specialist in Nederlandse Keramiek
Here is our proposal to store your cheese ! A delftblue or multicolor cheesedome- how Dutch can you get ?⁠ ⁠ #Kaasstolp #cheesedome #gouda #cheese #fromage #goudakaas #goudacheese #kaas #visitgouda #relatiegeschenk #goudsekaas #aardewerk #plateelschilderen #delftsblauw #groenehart
We started working again this week after our holiday closure. Our Delft painters didnt rest these weeks This is the homeworking painter Jan Born made in the meantime, ready for glazing and a 1040 degrees glazefire 🔥⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #delftblue #delftware #delftsblauw #plateelschilderen #delftpainting #keramiekschilderen #onderglazuurverf #cone06 #redtulips #tulips #tuliplover #thuiswerken #homeworking #tulipan #madeinholland
Delftblue Dachshund (tekkel)
This delftblue dachshund has been handpainted on slipcasted ceramics in an original Dutch Delftpottery. This delftfactory has been in existance sincs 1951, is located near Gouda and offers a range of blue ceramic decorated animals. The delftblue dog is 22cms in lenght.
Delft blue ceramic animals - 100% Typical Dutch!
This delftblue dachshund has been handpainted on slipcasted ceramics in an original Dutch Delftpottery. This delftfactory has been in existance sincs 1951, is located near Gouda and offers a range of blue ceramic decorated animals. The delftblue dog is 22cms in lenght.
Delftblue mobilephone couple
Een variatie op het overbekende delftsblauwe kussend paartje maar dan met smartphone als Tafellamp. In opdracht en naar design van studio Mens & Palma hebben wij dit produkt ontwikkeld gedurende 2022/23. Het is een knipoog naar de te lange schermtijd van je kinderen, een verwijzing naar onze Nederlandse identiteit, je kunt er veel in zien. Mens en Palma (Haarlem) zijn 2 designers die traditioneel ambacht combineren met de nieuwe technologie en dat leidt tot prachtig en origineel werk.
Dutchceramics specialist in delftware for over 70 years
Landgoed Zonneoord: gebouwd als een koloniehuis voor Randstad kinderen om aan te sterken en opvoedhulp. Nu een innovatiecampus voor organisaties in de zorgsector. Dutchceramics mocht een miniatuur van het karakteristieke landgoed maken om te vullen met een goede jenever. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #delftware #plateelschilderen #delftpainting #keramiekschilderen #onderglazuurverf #miniaturen #delftshuisjes #huisjes #replicas #madeinholland
Dutchceramics specialist in delftware for over 70 years
Handpainted delftblue lamp bases on commission of @lampatelier. Locally made by Dutchceramics in Gouderak.⁠ ⁠ #pottery #handpainting #inspirationalceramics #keramiekschilderen #madeinholland #dutchreview #ceramicsmagazine #ceramiclovers #dutchceramics
delftblue coffee mug
This is what happens to gold fish when they are no longer welcome in a childrens bedroom: they end up at dads office where they can enjoy our local made ceramics for the rest of their lives👍⁠ ⁠ #goudvis #delftware #delftsblauw #plateelschilderen #delftpainting #keramiekschilderen #onderglazuurverf #underglazepainting #dutchceramics
Nederlands keramiek | 70+ jaar specialist in Nederlandse Keramiek
Rembrandts Nightwatch on a 6 delfttille panel. Did you know that the reknown Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland from Gouda (in existance 1898-1963) had Daniël Harkink painting a real life big copy of the Nachtwacht made on a tile panel. ⁠ The 118-year-old panel can be seen at @museumgouda⁠ We have smaller blue tilepanels in our webshop; 6 tiles 30 by 45 cms on wood.⁠ Decorating technique: silkscreened underglaze before glazefiring.⁠ ⁠
Nederlands keramiek | 70+ jaar specialist in Nederlandse Keramiek
Windmills on my mind. Jan is delftpainting in multicolors our Dutch ceramic windmills by hand.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #windmills #dutchlandscape #mooinederland #travelnetherlands #typicaldutch #delftblue #delftware #plateelschilderen #delftpainting #dutchceramics ⁠ #localbusiness #buylocal
Nederlands keramiek | 70+ jaar specialist in Nederlandse Keramiek
Here we go again with our polychrome and delftblue handgun designs. You will not find these in our webshop, only available in our physical factory shop or by email: We van paint a text or name on it as well !⁠ ⁠ ⁠#delftsblauw #wapen #pistool #handgun #pistol #delftblue #weapon #dutchceramics #delftpottery #makers #homedecoration #guns #gunsdaily #gun #boyswillbeboys #keramiek #interior #handmade #ambacht
We call this van our Marrakech express. Handpainted in delfblue style by Jan Born before glazefire. #delftblue #delftware #delftsblauw #plateelschilderen #delftpainting #keramiekschilderen #onderglazuurverf #handpainted #pintadoamano #marrakech #van #touroperators
Schedel van aardewerk
Who wants to paint his own ceramic skull?⁠ Best way to paint our ceramic bisqueware is by using underglaze paint- which you can get at dutchceramics as well. And finally: glazefiring- have fun 🤔⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #dutchceramics #aardewerk #onderglazuur #greenware #underglaze #plateelschilderen #pottery #slipcasting #slipcastingprocess #bisqueware #keramiekschilderen #biscuitfiring #schedel #skull #skullcollection ⁠ #skullart #skeleton #skullcollector #haloween
Nederlands keramiek | 70+ jaar specialist in Nederlandse Keramiek
Touring cars are welcome again! When you order a guided tour at dutchceramics we make a replica of the touring van with your touroperator LOGO on it for free. Only in 2021 and touringvans only ! #touringcar #touringlife #touringvan #visitholland #guidedtours #delftblue #delftbluestore #pottenbakken #aardewerkfabriek #gouda #visitgouda #dutchceramics