Detox Your Body

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Silent Killer, Lung Disease, Detox Your Body, How To Protect Yourself, Air Pollution, Protect Yourself, Pollution, Disease, This Year
Easy Health Options® :: Air pollution: What you should know about this silent threat
Heavy Metal Detox, Brain Tissue, Easy Detox, Integrative Medicine, Milk Thistle, In The News, Grow Strong, Alzheimers
Easy Health Options® :: The aluminum-Alzheimer’s connection grows stronger
Plastic Food Containers, Organ System, Plastic Products, Healthy Liver, Brain Damage, Brain Activities, Human Brain, Brain Function
Easy Health Options® :: 7 ways to start ridding your life of brain-damaging BPA
<p>In 2016, it was banned from soaps and body washes. But despite the evidence of the harm it does, the FDA has yet to force its removal from other types of household products. Not only can it absorb through your skin, it accelerates fatty liver disease. Here’s what you need to know…</p> Clear Arteries, Body Washes, Take Care Of Your Body, Gut Microbiome, Household Products, School Of Medicine, Fast Track
Easy Health Options® :: ‘Banned’ chemical in everyday products fast-tracks fatty liver disease
<p>In 2016, it was banned from soaps and body washes. But despite the evidence of the harm it does, the FDA has yet to force its removal from other types of household products. Not only can it absorb through your skin, it accelerates fatty liver disease. Here’s what you need to know…</p>
Dowagers Hump, Ways To Drink More Water, Dowager's Hump, Neck Hump, Water Hydration, Best Water Filter, Drink More Water, More Water
Easy Health Options® :: 3 places where Americans are exposed to high arsenic in drinking water
<p>Research has proven that small particles breathed in from polluted air are connected to Alzheimer’s. Now we’ve learned they can lead to Parkinson’s and motor neuron disease. This brain damage starts at an astoundingly early age because with every breath, aluminum, iron and titanium may build up in your brain…</p> Substantia Nigra, Polluted Air, University In England, Motor Neuron, Brain Stem, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Detoxify Your Body, Nerve Cell
Easy Health Options® :: 9 ways to save your brain from disease-causing particles
<p>Research has proven that small particles breathed in from polluted air are connected to Alzheimer’s. Now we’ve learned they can lead to Parkinson’s and motor neuron disease. This brain damage starts at an astoundingly early age because with every breath, aluminum, iron and titanium may build up in your brain…</p>
Your+liver+performs+over+400+jobs.+It+regulates+glucose+and+iron+for+energy.+It+produces+hormones+that+make+proteins.+It+regulates+blood+clotting.+Oh%2C+and+it+single-handedly+gets+rid+of+the+poisons+in+your+body.+Your+liver+is+a+super-organ%2C+but+it+can%E2%80%99t+do+it+alone.+Like+most+heroes%2C+it+needs+some+backup... Health Tips, Liver Detox, Blood Clotting, Inflammatory Recipes, Do It Alone, Health Hacks, Apothecary
Easy Health Options® :: 8+ ways to relieve your liver’s detox load
Endocrine+disruptors+are+everywhere.+In+the+clothes+we+wear%2C+the+furniture+we+sit+on+and+the+products+we+slather+on+our+skin.+They+lurk%2C+waiting+to+tip+our+hormones+from+a+healthy+balance+and+cause+disease.+Luckily%2C+a+brand-new+study+found+a+simple+way+to+lower+the+levels+of+these+disruptors+in+your+body.+.. Product Label, Endocrine Disruptors, Ingredient Labels, Product Labels, Thyroid Hormone, Healthy Balance, Hormone Imbalance, Hormone Balancing
Easy Health Options® :: One more reason to read product labels: Hormone interference
There%E2%80%99s+no+denying+that+diabetes+is+hard+on+the+kidneys.+In+fact%2C+diabetes+is+the+leading+cause+of+kidney+disease.+About+one+in+four+people+with+diabetes+has+it.+And+as+a+result%2C+they+often+go+on+to+develop+kidney+failure.+Why+exactly+is+diabetes+so+damaging+to+the+kidneys%3F+It+turns+out+that+diabetes+prevents+them+from+performing+one+of+their+most+critical+functions... Kidney Damage, Four People, Kidney Health, Healthy Living Lifestyle, Eating Healthy, Healthy Weight, Go On
Easy Health Options® :: Why diabetes leads to dirty, damaged kidneys