so sad :'(

96 Pins
Mason Jar Wall Planter - Stacy Risenmay
I promise all this and more my dear love of my everything!!! <3 <3
403非法請求|iYong Smart Website
If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with being different... I'd rather be completely f*cking mental.~Angelina Jolie
Amazing Street Art In HQ | Bro My God | Probably the most Bro site out there. Hot Chicks, Booze, Cars, and Anything Funny
street art 000 Art With A Message I think it is saying that as a human race we are losing humanity. It think it has about 3 or 4 layers. the placement is not very important. It like it because it is simple and has a clear message
Still Alive For You, Love: Photo
He's my best friend and the love of my life.
"It is easier for the world..." Alexis de Tocqueville [600x800]
It is easier for the world to accept a simple lie than a complex truth. ~Alexis de Tocqueville