
81 Pins
Het is mogelijk om je eigen gemberplant te kweken - en wij weten hoe! - Roomed
Snoeikalender: wat moet je in welke maand snoeien? | vtwonen
In deze snoeikalender vind je per maand de te snoeien planten, bomen en struiken en hoe je ze dan kunt snoeien.
10 Reasons to Grow Mint (Without Fear)
Don't be afraid to grow mint! It has so many wonderful uses and can be grown without fear of taking over your garden.
10 x groente die je na gebruik vrolijk verder kunt laten groeien na gebruik
10 groenten die je na gebruik verder kan laten groeien:
How to Keep Carrots, Potatoes and Beets Fresh All Winter - One Hundred Dollars a Month
Michelle writes: How do you cure root crops like potatoes and carrots to last longer than a couple weeks? I’ll be tipping over 2 of my three potato towers to see how that turned out but now wondering how on earth I preserve potatoes for an extended time. I’d like to try to grow 100+ … #Vegetablegardenbasics
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Garlic is arguably one of the world’s most versatile and healthiest foods. While you can use garlic to add some serious flavor to any dish, garlic also has quite the long list of health benefits as well.
1.7M views · 24K reactions | Easy Harvest Potato Planter | You gotta try this DIY potato planter for small-space gardening 😱! | By Goodful | Facebook
Easy Harvest Potato Planter
DIY: Endless onion supply - How simple it would be if every time you need the onions for cooking and just simply take one and grow another in his place.