De-cluttering Your Life - Simplification

Do you really want to Simplify your life? De-cluttering is the key!
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From innumerable complexities we must grow to simplicity; we must become simple in our inward life and in our outward needs. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
Don't underestimate the power of meditation. Healing, reduced stress and anxiety, a clear and focused mind, renewed energy...
When a problem is made simple, by stripping away all of the superfluous fluff, it becomes simpler to solve
There is an inherent elegance in simplicity. There's a heck of a lot less stress as well...
House Tour and a Bonus
Painted room door, the double wrap shelves and baskets makes use of wasted space. May just have found another project
Neurobiological Changes Explain How Mindfulness Meditation Improves Health - News - Carnegie Mellon University
Neurobiological Changes Explain How Mindfulness Meditation ...