
12 Pins
Business card and brand design for a boho, chic coffeeshop. Design inspiration. Amarie Lael design.
Brand Design for Bloom Coffee Co. Boho, vintage branding suite with leaf illustrations. Bright colors - blush pink, raspberry red, beige, and mauve. Vintage inspired logo. Coffee menu and business card design. Boho, bold, serif logo. Branding inspiration. Logo ideas. Color palette inspiration. Cohesive and polished brand and packaging for a coffeeshop. We are Brand Creators and professional business consultants. Each business has his own story to tell and having high recall
Логотип кофейни. Руки, держащие кружку с кофе. - Templates by Canva
Use this customizable Логотип кофейни. Руки, держащие кружку с кофе. template and find more professional designs from Canva.
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