Native American.

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Blue Cloud (Indian name) Herman Arapaho :: Photographs - Western History
Native American (Sioux) Blue Cloud,1880
Chief Big Foot 1825–1890, with his wife White Hawk. Photo taken 1872. Big Foot was born in the northern Great Plains. One of the first Sioux to raise a corn crop on the Cheyenne River. He traveled to Washington, D.C., as a tribal delegate and worked to establish schools throughout the Sioux territory. Tragically killed.
Search results from the Library of Congress
Stars Come Out, Sioux. Photographed 1899.
Young White Bull (the son of Joseph White Bull) - Mniconjou - circa 1915
Old Sparky
1907. Native American Portrait
Buffalo Tail
Buffalo Tail. Born 1872. Assiniboine. Photo taken at Fort Belknap, Montana, 1899
Pretty Nose, a Cheyenne woman. Photographed in 1878 at Fort Keogh by L. A. Huffman.
Red Sleeve aka Red Armed Panther - Northern Cheyenne
Red Armed Panther, Cheyenne scout, sometimes called Red Sleeve. Fort Keogh, Montana, 1879. L.A. Huffman photographic portrait.
Stump Horn Bull poses casually for the camera, wearing a cotton shirt and holding a cigarette in his hand. The photographer was Christian Barthelmess, a soldier and amateur photographer stationed at Fort Keogh near Miles City, Montana, beginning in 1888.
Chief Shot-in-the-eye, 1899. "Shot-in-the-Eye was an Oglala Sioux who fought in the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876, where he was wounded and lost an eye. What he was called prior to this battle is unknown.
Rosann Lasley Ke-O-Ko-Mo-Quah Potts
Mrs. Rosann Potts (Ke-o-ko-mo-quah), mother of James Wahb-no-sah and grandmother of Gary Wis-ki-ge-amatyuk Sr. Prairie Band Reservation in Mayetta, Kansas, 1930. Potawatomi