
27 Pins
‘Secret walled garden’ yarn bowl. Unfired. Made from thrown and modelled white earthenware. Whilst this one is made for our competition winner ..this design will be a made to order item once glazed in a few weeks. earthwoolfire.etsy.com (yarns)
And the last Octopus on a barrel made to order yarn bowl of the year. 😀🐙#yarnbowl #knittingbowl #woolbowl #crochetbowl #octopus #kraken…
Im making another octopus goblet, getting the cup part to stay totally upright� #InspiringPottery #PotteryIdeas click now for more info.. #potterywheel
Polymer clay owl - DIY step by step tutorial - FImo DIY, polymer clay tutorials
Polymer clay owl - DIY step by step tutorial
eenvoudig uiltje met klei! . Foto geplaatst door Jupkee op Welke.nl
school - eenvoudig uiltje met klei!
Ceramic Owl a un precio increíble – Llévate increíbles ofertas en Ceramic Owl de vendedores internacionales de Ceramic Owl en la de AliExpress.
3 unids/set BÚHO De Cerámica artesanías ornamento hecho a mano regalo de cumpleaños creativo adornos accesorios de decoración del hogar casado Regalo del juguete del cabrito(China (Mainland))