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Chinese Five Elements. I might need these descriptions to help create certain characters. Though I would replace wood with Earth and Earth with wind.
When you're exercising, oftentimes emotional baggage comes to the surface from deep within the body. To avoid dealing with it we stop our routine and avoid exercising all together. Thus many diet and fitness programs end up failing us. I like to use EFT tapping points while I exercise to release these old negative blocks and to stay motivated. Start tapping away from top of the head and down the face, all the while stating what feelings have come to the surface - this will often reveal the co...
GREEN ~ Green fruits & vegetables have the phytochemicals sulforaphane and indoles, which both prevent cancer. They are also good for the circulatory system and have good vitamin B and minerals. Green vegetables also help with vision, and with maintaining strong bones and teeth. Some of the yellower green vegetables have carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that help to prevent cataracts and eye disease, as well as osteoporosis.
WHITE ~The strong phytochemical in these whitish/greenish vegetables called allicin,it is an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral chemical. Some white foods prevent cancer and heart disease, and lower cholesterol levels. Celery is often dubbed as a useless vegetable because it has no calories,but does have minerals like good sodium that help keep joints healthy.The selenium in mushrooms is healthy as well. This group helps maintain low cholesterol levels in your body & healthy heart.
Eat the Rainbow - Whole Living Seasonal Foods - Whole Living
Eat the Rainbow - The Oranges
Eat the Rainbow - Whole Living Seasonal Foods - Whole Living
Eat the Rainbow - The Greens
Eat the Rainbow - Whole Living Seasonal Foods - Whole Living
Eat the Rainbow - The Purples
A complete reflexology chart that can help with aches, pains and even your yoga poses!