Tower & Buildings

26 Pins
Futuristic Skyscraper Will Be a Stylish New Addition to Tel Aviv Skyline
Futuristic Skyscraper Will Be a Stylish New Addition to Tel Aviv Skyline - My Modern Met
1,129 Likes, 22 Comments - Exclusive • Exotic • Luxury (@dynamic_luxury) on Instagram: “$400mil penthouse 😬 Would you live here? Follow @dynamic_luxury for more 👌⠀ ⠀ 📷 By Unknown |…”
The Greatest Architectural Marvels On Earth
The 60 Greatest Architectural Marvels On Earth
Kring Kumho Culture Complex / Unsangdong Architects
Kring Kumho Culture Complex / Unsangdong Architects
Sitio no disponible en este momento. Intente más tarde.
Anara Tower, Dubai.
QATAR convention center #architecture ☮k☮
Hong Kong. The building is designed by Pritzker-prize-winning architect Zaha Hadid.
JAKARTA | Peruri 88 | 389m | 1276ft | 88 fl | Pro
Peruri 88 is approximately a 360,000 square-meter 88-story high rise mixed-use district in the heart of Jakarta’s capitol region.
50 - The Minerva Building
The Minerva Building, London
Xiamen Eton Center North Tower, Xiamen, China #architecture ☮k☮
MahaNakhon Tower - Ole Scheeren & OMA - Bangkok, Thailand
KARACHI | KPT Tower Complex | 352m | 1155ft | 78 fl | App
KPT Tower Complex - Aedas Architects Karachi, Pakistan
petra architects: 'blossoming dubai'
#architecture #design Blossoming dubai - based on the form of a blossoming flower. The tower is equipped with two elevators running on spiral rails (spiral of the most simple geometry turning 135 degrees while ascending 138 meters). These lifts ascend from lower ground floor to the cafeteria level and the viewing platform above.