Cindy at her Country Home

101 Pins
“For you my Valentine this heart of mine…”
Begin januari had ik al een Valentijn quilt bedacht… Dat begon zo, dit jaar zijn Henri en ik in juni 25 jaar bij elkaar, al een hele lange t...
Goodmorning and wishing you all a very Happy weekend with a lots of laughter and joy on your way! A smile each day is the most prettiest thing You can wear Sending butterfly kisses for all of you ❤️ #goodmorning #goedemorgen #shelfie #cornerofmyhome #hoekjeinmijnhuis #plank #chickenshelfie #kippenplankje #countryhomestyle #landelijkewoonstijl #countryhomeandinteriors #wonenlandelijkestijl #countryhomedecor #landelijkdecoreren #baskets #manden #redpolkadots #roodmetwittestippen #emb...
Goodafternoon! So enjoying my day off today and that I am home sweet home. Buyed some lovely plants for the garden this morning and spending the afternoon with creative cosy crafting and sewing ❤️✂️That's what I do love the most. Time to treat myself a warm cuppa of tea ☕️, switch a little bit the heater on it's getting a bit chilly now. Wishing you all a very lovely and same cosy afternoon, enjoy with all what you're doing! ❤️❤️❤️ #goodafternoon #goedemiddag ##patchwork #hearts #harten...
“2nd SURPRISE GIVE AWAY, Joyful dinner”
Cindy at her Country Home: “2nd SURPRISE GIVE AWAY, Joyful dinner”
Cindy at her Country Home
Cindy at her Country Home