
14 Pins
Yin Yoga sequence for an open heart with images and description
I created the following yin yoga sequence to open your heart and shoulders. Includes a nice playlist. ENJOY! http://dagmarspremberg.com/yin-yoga-sequence-open-heart/#more-1971
A 20-Minute Morning Routine This Yoga Specialist Uses To Stay Grounded
Good Morning Yoga Sequence (15 min) - CORRECTED and attributed to original source
Allie Van Fossen
Office Yoga: 10 Minute Routine to Release Tension - Pin now, do at work tomorrow!
What is the significance of the lotus? What does the lotus mean? Spiritual Yoga Symbols and What they Mean.
Cool Stuff We Like Here @ http://coolpile.com/health-fitness/ ------- << Original Comment >> ------- Yoga exercises
You'll Want to Unroll Your Mat For This Happy Hips Yoga Sequence
Happy Hips Yoga Sequence. Good to know when your hips are sore from turn out work!
Yoga for Desk Dwellers — YOGABYCANDACE
Yoga Sequence for Hips & Hamstrings
YOGA SEQUENCE TO FORWARD FOLD: 3 years ago I could not touch my toes, 3 years later my elbows can touch my toes. Here is a little sequence I personally do that doesn't just open the hamstrings but targets the hips, spine and calves which can affect our forward folds. So give it a shot 1. WIDE KNEE CHILD's POSE 3min This will give extension to the spine and mimic the melting sensation you need in a forward fold 2. CLOSED KNEE CHILDS POSE 3min, I personally find this very difficult as my hips ...