BMI nonsens

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Fat, Femme, Fierce
ok2befat: “ did-you-kno: “ BMI is a poor indicator of health. Studies show that 50% of people classified as overweight or obese in the 2005-2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were quite healthy, and over 30% of those classified at...
BMI and mortality: results from a national longitudinal study of Canadian adults - PubMed
BMI and mortality: results from a national longitudinal study of Canadian adults. - PubMed - NCBI
the HAES® files: Body Mass Index Is Not a Good Measure of Your Health
by A. Janet Tomiyama, Ph.D. and Jeffrey M. Hunger, M.A. Note: This piece, with slight modifications, originally appeared in Zócalo Public Square. You’ve just returned from your morning run and you’…
Is the body mass index a good measure of health? – ASDAH
the HAES files: is the body mass index a good measure of health? | Health At Every Size® Blog
The BMI Is Bullshit, and Other Thoughts From My Doctor’s Office - Adios Barbie
The BMI Is Bullshit, and Other Thoughts From My Doctor’s Office
Weight Index Doesn’t Tell the Whole Truth (Published 2010)
Body Mass Index Can Be Misleading - The New York Times
Illustrated BMI Categories
KATE HARDING Illustrated BMI Categories | Flickr
Why Body Mass Index Is Wrong for So Many People
Why Body Mass Index Is Wrong for So Many People