
36 Pins
Khurasan Helmeted Resistance and cheap buildings
How to make miniature buildings for tabletop gaming miniatures resource tool how to tutorial instructions | Create your own roleplaying game material w/ RPG Bard: | Writing inspiration for Dungeons and Dragons DND D&D Pathfinder PFRPG Warhammer 40k Star Wars Shadowrun Call of Cthulhu Lord of the Rings LoTR + d20 fantasy science fiction scifi horror design | Not our art: click artwork for source
HOW TO – Paint White Robes part 2
Welcome to the second tutorial on painting white robes. I would recommend before you continue, if you have not done so already, that you have a read of the intro to part 1. You don't need to read t...
How to realize real-looking bushes
Hi everyone, After showing you how to realize real-looking grass, I will explain how to do the same with bushes. Let’s first have an overview of the diorama, fully completed with the previous grass…
Making Convincing Ivy « Zaboobadidoo... - a grouped images picture
Making Convincing Ivy « Zaboobadidoo - created via
Painting gemstones and jewels by NicoleCadet on DeviantArt
Painting gemstones and jewels by NicoleCadet (for airbrush but the same concept works for other opaque techniques)
Malowanie futra - krok po kroku // Fur - step by step
Tutorial - Painting fur in three different colors (theres english on the page)
Miniature leaf punch | Leaf punch cutter for Scale Models
Miniature Leaf Punch Such a great little tool to have
More Realistic Terrain - Toxic Slime Pits Tutorial Part 2 - Wargaming Hub
More Realistic Terrain – Toxic Slime Pits Tutorial Part 2 | Wargaming Hub
Making wood themed bases is easy to do
From the Warp: Making wood themed bases is easy to do