arts ed

489 Pins
Fun and easy to make pipe cleaner animals. We made snakes and lizards but you could make lots of other animals to, even little fairy people!MATERIALS: Pipe cleaners and yarn.TUTORIAL: Make your animal shape from pipe cleaners and the...
The Store - Bowerbird Blues - Book - The Store
The Store - Bowerbird Blues - Book - The Store
What Movies or Documentaries Can You Show at School? Get the List! - Digital Art Teacher
We’ve got a really short post this week and it will be the last one that I write for this semester. So if you look for them every week, just know that I’ll be coming back again in January with more helpful thoughts/materials that you can use in your digital classroom! Last week I reviewed […]
Films & Documentaries for the Art Classroom - The Arty Teacher
It's useful to have a range of films & documentaries for the art classroom that you can turn to, to link to your curriculum or even when you want to pull a rabbit out of a hat for an easy cover/sub lesson or end of term treat. This blog post started with just 4 suggestions
Art Movies for Students - Art With Trista
Here's a list of some of my favorite art movies you can show in your classroom. Since every school district has different rules for what can be shown to