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Resep masakan bunda
1.4M views · 11K reactions | Ga nyangka kangkung bisa seenak ini. #makan #resepsimple. | Resep Enak Salfa | Above & Beyond · Blue Monday (Extended Mix)
This may contain: two hands are holding some green plants and the words tempe peds jelliet
Resep menu irit dan bisa untuk jualan
Bongkar resep !! Ternyata se enak ini | Ternyata ini bumbu rahasia pedagang sate maranggi yg bikin empuk dan bikin ketagihan | By Dapur SedulurFacebook
Inspirasi dan motivasi
945K views · 31K reactions | Resep Kentang Goreng Renyah dengan Saus Manis Asam yang Memikat! | Resep Kentang Goreng Renyah dengan Saus Manis Asam yang Memikat! | By RESEP INIRecipesFacebook
3.1M views · 28K reactions | Sekarang jangan buang kulit dan kelapa udang lagi yah, dibuat ini saja… | Sekarang jangan buang kulit dan kelapa udang lagi yah, dibuat ini saja… | By Dapur Ibu Hanin | Clean the shrimp, the skin and the head do not throw it away. Let's go back to being shrimp petis. So you don't have to bother shopping anymore. This is very easy to make shrimp petis. Okay let's make it. First boil the shrimp skin first. Don't boil for fifteen minutes only. Well if it's lifted then the shrimp skin will be blender. Blender until smooth yes. Well, if it's direct this will be filtered. Just take the shrimp sari ya. This is the tape to be thrown away. Continue to add a hundred grams of sugar. Stir until the water recede. Well if the water has receded just add two tablespoons of maizena flour. Keep stirring until the water is actually receding. Don't forget to add salt and seasonings. Then it's mixed again until it's shiny like this. Well if it's already shiny and thick like this we just want to go. This is a sign that the petis are ripe. Well here it is the petis already cold I immediately want to move it to a small cup cup like this. If it has been transferred to a small cup cup like this, we will put it in the refrigerator later ya. Well this from gram of shrimp skin I got three cups of this. Petisnya tuh mantul mantap betul.
3.1M views · 28K reactions | Sekarang jangan buang kulit dan kelapa udang lagi yah, dibuat ini saja… | Sekarang jangan buang kulit dan kelapa udang lagi yah, dibuat ini saja… | By Dapur Ibu Hanin | Clean the shrimp, the skin and the head do not throw it away. Let's go back to being shrimp petis. So you don't have to bother shopping anymore. This is very easy to make shrimp petis. Okay let's make it. First boil the shrimp skin first. Don't boil for fifteen minutes only. Well if it's lifted then the shrimp skin will be blender. Blender until smooth yes. Well, if it's direct this will be filtered. Just take the shrimp sari ya. This is the tape to be thrown away. Continue to add a hundred grams of sugar. Stir until the water recede. Well if the water has receded just add two tablespoons of maizena flour. Keep stirring until the water is actually receding. Don't forget to add salt and seasonings. Then it's mixed again until it's shiny like this. Well if it's already shiny and thick like this we just want to go. This is a sign that the petis are ripe. Well here it is the petis already cold I immediately want to move it to a small cup cup like this. If it has been transferred to a small cup cup like this, we will put it in the refrigerator later ya. Well this from gram of shrimp skin I got three cups of this. Petisnya tuh mantul mantap betul.
Sup bisa jadi salah satu menu diet kamu kalo kamu bosen sama makanan yang itu lagi itu lagi 😋 Sup mudah dibuat dan tidak perlu membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Pemula pun gampang untuk membuatnya 🤤🤤🤤 1. Sup Tahu Timun • Bahan : Ketumbar + Tahu + Rumput laut + Timun 🥒 Garam • Cara : Setelah air mendidih, masukkan semua bahan dan tunggu hingga beberapa menit 💫 2. Sup Bakso Ayam Wortel • Bahan : Dada ayam 🐔 Wortel 🥕 Ubi 🍠 Jagung 🌽 Sayur🥬 • Cara : Haluskan ayam dengan garam dan lada, buat menjadi bakso ayam. Setelah air mendidih masukkan bakso dan bahan lainnya 💫 3. Sup Udang Sawi Putih • Bahan : Sawi Putih 🥬 Udang 🦐 Bihun, Daun bawang • Cara : setelah air mendidih, masukkan semua bahan 💫 4. Sup Tahu Tomat Udang • Bahan : Tomat 🍅 Telur 🥚 Udang 🦐 Jamur 🍄 • Cara :
632K views · 13K reactions | jahit tangan satu jengkal,kaos lama jadi celana,mudah sekali #jahit #menjahit #tutorial #sew #lesonline #lesjahit #bunda #istri #belajar #mudah #coudre #sastre #costura #kreatif #diy #craft #needle #fyp #viral #trend #خياطة #टेलरिंग #tutor #pemula #newby #handsewing #kaos #remake #renew #recycle | Penjahit Anda Kuamang Ujunggading | Penjahit Anda Kuamang Ujunggading · Original audio
Kreasi Dapur Bunda
Wajib stok !! Buat bulan puasa tinggal goreng aja | Wajib nyetok buat bulan puasa sehat dan enak | By Dapur MamikaFacebook