Art I love

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At any moment you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit, or further away from it. ― Thich Nhat Hanh
Learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of your being. This true essence is beyond the ego. It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticism; it does not fear any challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no one, and full of magic, mystery, and enchantment.
Reality is never an absolute, it is ever changing. Your reality is merely a projection of yourself out into the Unified Field. As you see yourself, so you will see the world. Your vision of yourself is in a constant state of change. Like your search for self is never done, reality cannot be fixed, only experienced by the experiencer...never to be agreed upon, only to usher you to the next moment.
Imagine the Universe forming a fractal counterpart. A mini counterpart that exactly resembles it. Imagine this cosmic universal energy to be a glowing cloud of hyperdimensional gas, swirling and dancing with multi-hued colors. Now around this hyperdimensional cloud, wrap and assemble a physical body, bone by bone, muscle by muscle, until it completely encases this cosmic dancing cloud within it. Now open your eyes and look in the mirror.
The further within myself I go, the farther out to the world I can reach. Chaiwat Thirapantu
Flower of Life - Sacred Geometry - Symbool van de Schepping
Celtic Tree Of Life Images.
If I would ever get a tattoo, it would be one like this. To remind me to root myself into the earth first, before I reach for the sky and connect them both within the heart of who I am. The Now. - Tribal-Celtic Tree of Life