De code office

42 Pins
Flooring in St. John, NB | Get Luxurious New Floors in Your Home
Tableau are a software success story from the States, who have recently set up home in London. We were commissioned to create a comprehensive custom art scheme for their London HQ, with the aim of filling the white space and connecting the office’s two separate floors, all the while adding a sense of the company’s
BSH Home Appliances – Home of Innovation Office by Green Room, Milton Keynes – UK
Design consultancy Green Room have designed and delivered a future-proof, multifunctional ‘brand experience centre’ for global consumer appliance company BSH Home Appliances (part of the Robert Bosch Group), bringing together their family of white goods brands; Siemens, Bosch and Neff into one ‘Home of Innovation’.
Bien-être au bureau, la tendance en 6 profils d'aménagement et agencement architectural
Loading... | Restroom design, Office interior design, Toilet design
Reforma de oficinas Grupo 3C señalización con diseño
We all know the importance of plants. They give us fresh air to breath and we all know it very well, yet many avoid planting at home! The reason being that m...
Cords Lighting – Simple Design But With A Big Impact
Cords Lighting – Simple Design But With A Big Impact
Si quieres que tu local mole de verdad, escribe cosas en un rollo de papel de estraza
Que sí, que vivimos en un mundo tecnológico en el que prima lo digital y todo lo que queráis, pero no digáis que no os encantan esos sitios en los que tienen...
Monkey Business: Inteltion puts the IT in fit
Putting the IT in fit, Inteltion follows the fashion of fitness with gymnast rings, punching bags, and ping-pong in the boardroom.
Tervezgessünk balkonkerteket!
A valódi zöldfalak elkészítése speciális szaktudást és eljárást igényel, de kis csalással saját, majdnem tökéletes zöldfalunk is lehet. Az ilyen rézsűs fakkokból álló állványrendszerbe lombosabb díszövényeket ültessünk, az eredmény pedig egybefüggő növényfüggöny lesz!
Donker Interieur - Het groene gevoel van buiten
Leef, woon en werk prettiger. Wij ontwikkelen producten waarmee we planten kunnen integreren in de stad. Zonder ruimte in te nemen! Lees hier meer over Green Fortune