Our galaxy and universe

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Planetary Nebula NGC 2818 | The Hubble Space Telescope has imaged striking details of the famed planetary nebula designated NGC 2818, which lies in the southern constellation of Pyxis (the Compass). The spectacular structure of the planetary nebula contains the outer layers of a star that were expelled into interstellar space.
What Inspires...
n-a-s-a: The Majestic Messier-104 (M-104) Sombrero Galaxy Photo By: NASA Hubble Space Telescope
Article : “NASA Moon Dust Probe Begins Lunar Science Mission” plus “Space Art” Pictures you Must See! | Take a Quick Break
APOD: 2012 December 19 - NGC 5189: An Unusually Complex Planetary Nebula
A dying star captured by the Hubble telescope
Hubble Space Telescope Photos, Hubble Pictures, Images -- National Geographic
Cat's Eye Nebula, GREAT NEBULA
Gobelinus Regius
The Sombrero Galaxy (also known as M104 or NGC 4594) is an unbarred spiral galaxy in the constellation Virgo located 28 million light years from Earth. It has a bright nucleus, an unusually large central bulge, and a prominent dust lane in its inclined disk. The dark dust lane and the bulge give this galaxy the appearance of a sombrero.
Messier 78 (NGC 2068), a bright reflection nebula in Orion
Messier 78 (NGC 2068), a bright reflection nebula in Orion
Exploring Space
Solar eclipse as seen from Earth’s orbit • orig. source not found
The Most Jaw-Dropping Space Pictures Of 2014
Bill Synder won the "Deep Space" category in the 2014 Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest with this shot of the Horsehead Nebula.
APOD: 2004 March 15 - The Orion Nebula from CFHT
The Orion Nebula from CFHT. Buried in the complex nebulosity are the bright stars of the Trapezium in Orion's heart, the sweeping lanes of dark dust that cross the center, the pervasive red glowing hydrogen gas, and the blue tinted dust that reflects the light of newborn stars
Zal Patera, Io, in color (NASA Galileo Jupiter Mission Images)
Zal Patera, Io, in color (NASA Galileo Jupiter Mission Image)
An image of Europa taken by the Galileo spacecraft in the late 1990's, reprocessed with modern software by NASA in 2014 to show Europa in "natural color" with as much detail as possible. (Image credit NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute).