
65 Pins
Think You’ve Seen It All?
Alicia Basinger recently installed Replicas, a light installation that utilizes the entire ceiling space of the Kirkland Art Center’s main staircase entrance. This structure consists of thousands of white cylinders of various sizes dipped into acrylic and sewn together. The result of this process is an architectural form that resembles a chaotic hand built honeycomb. Each cylinder or cell stores light.
Paper & Water | paohuikao
Let's get wrinkled Strength from struggle design pao hui kao 高寶惠
paper-gallery | paohuikao
Paper & Water // Pao-Hui Kao
Paper & Water | paohuikao
¨Let's get wrinkled Strength¨ from struggle design Pao Hui Kao
paper-gallery | paohuikao
Paper & Water // Pao-Hui Kao
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