an image of the sun taken from space

Nasa Sun

The sun is always changing and our Solar Dynamics Observatory is always watching. SDO keeps a 24-hour eye on the entire disk of the sun with a prime view of the graceful dance of solar material coursing through the sun's atmosphere the corona. SDO's sixth year in orbit was no exception. This video shows a clip of the sixth year as one time-lapse sequence. Each frame represents 2 hours. Scientists study these images to better understand the complex electromagnetic system causing the constant movement on the sun which can ultimately have an effect closer to Earth too: Flares and another type of solar explosion called coronal mass ejections can sometimes disrupt technology in space. Moreover studying our closest star is one way of learning about other stars in the galaxy. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Wiessinger Music: "Tides" a track available from Killer Tracks #nasa #sun #sdo #astronomy #solarflare #space #nasabeyond #science by nasa


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