Maths - Subtraction grade 1 & 2

Mother of two, teacher & author. Please have a look at my first book Santa's Happy List. Available now on iTunes and Google Play. Visit us at
31 Pins
Children's Christmas Picture Book. Santa's Happy List. Elvin the Elf discovers the Happy List.
Football Missing Addends
Students solve the addition sentences by using the number line. This is a great review for missing addends.
Subtraction Worksheets for Kids | All Kids Network
5 minute subtraction drill worksheet
Thinking about Non Fiction and Math Daily 5
Math sorts - really like this idea!
Math Fact BANG! Kids pull a stick, read the fact, answer correctly and they keep the stick. If they pull out a BANG they have to put all their sticks back.
Subtraction Mat for Hands on Subtraction
Free Subtraction Mat for Hands on Subtraction.....Follow for FREE "too-neat-not-to-keep" teaching tools & other fun stuff :)
Story Problem Template
This is an easy way to help students organize their math thinking. It can be used for one or two step addition and subtraction story problems with answers up to 20. Simply write a story problem for students to solve and demonstrate how to use the boxes.
Classroom Inspiration
Teacher's Pet – Ideas & Inspiration for Early Years (EYFS), Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2) | Wanted!
Pre-Algebraic Thinking for Elementary Students
cute for upper elementary...can adapt for whatever kids are learning (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, etc.)