
TV shows, cartoons, mashups
145 Pins
Wolvy tearing into a Sentinel. Another awesome Marvel Babies work from Mercenary Art Studio artist Ferry Ickhwano. Ferry is doing commissions in the Babies style starting at $125 + Shp. Message me to get on his list.
Joey Chou
Princess and the Frog Little Mermaid Alice in Wonderland Dumbo Peter Pan Mary Poppins Beauty and the Beast
Bee and PuppyCat
Sushi Puppycat by Amz Kelso ♥ So cute you could eat it up! Thanks, amzkelso. If you have Bee and PuppyCat fan art click here to submit it! -Kiki
Link | 17 Adorably Emo Paintings Of Your Favorite Pop Culture Icons out of all of them, I like this one the most
Deadpool Minion
Deadpool Minion, es un personaje el cual se diseño de la union de dos grandes películas, Los Minions y Deadpool, el cual se ve que siempre lleva equipadas sus dos katanas y no le importa cuanto daño recibe, siempre esta dispuesto a luchar; da a transmitir una gran sensacion de ternura y diversion