Creation Station

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Learning Resources | NY Phil
Make your own trumpet at home. Paint yourself blue. Call yourself a Blue Man. #itsablueworld (click thru for instructions)
Decorate the room with vines, leaves, flowers, trees, waterfalls. Give each child a bag to put in items to explain the lesson of Adam and Eve, so they can tell the story to others as they pull out the symbols that go with the bible lesson.
Weather Watchers
Creating your own rainstorm...this is so cool! All you need is a clear container, water, shaving cream, food coloring and droppers. Have kids make predictions by drawing what they see and think will happen.
Kids’ & Baby Furniture, Kids Bedding & Gifts | Baby Registry
Jumbo Paper Lantern Planets hanging from Blue Ceiling with Stars | Space Room | great for a child's room or play room | Solar System #poshkidspaces #kids
Cross Crafts - Celebrating the Reason for Easter - Happy Home Fairy
whole bunch of cross crafts - great blog! Lots of great links on the side
God The Creator And Sustainer
God The Creator And Sustainer You can find dozens and dozens of crafts online to help you teach the kiddos that God is the Creator. song "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"
Tornado in a Bottle: Easiest DIY Science Lesson EVER, and other science experiments for little ones
How to Make a Lava Lamp with FREE Experiment Worksheet
AWESOME! This is such a fun, easy to make science experiment for kids of all ages. This is great for a summer bucket list or as a fun homeschool science activity.