wc rollen

21 Pins
Dziecko na Stylowi.pl
#DIY #paper #Dragon http://www.kidsdinge.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/kidsdingecom-Origineel-speelgoed-hebbedingen-voor-hippe-kids/160122710686387?sk=wall http://instagram.com/kidsdinge
culebra colectiva
"Na Natureza, nada se cria, nada se perde, tudo se transforma", não é mesmo? Olha que legal essa cobra feita com rolos de papel higiênico. Brinquedo super simples pras crianças que adoram trabalhos manuais (e qual não gosta?)
Serpiente: animales con rollos de papel higiénico - Papelisimo
Serpiente: animales con rollos de papel higiénico | http://papelisimo.es/serpiente-animales-con-rollos-de-papel-higienico/
Abschied & Danke - Meine Enkel und ich
Tiere Basteln - Meine Enkel und ich - Made with schwedesign.de
Welke.nl | Elke dag een ontdekking
Wat een leuk en goedkoop knutsel werkje,ga ik zeker maken in het zilver!
Toilet paper tube cars
Toilet paper tube cars | DIY Pinterest we should have done these for Beau's baby shower.. maybe birthday party? :) @Julie Kelley
This craft will get all children and adults zooming all around the room in a few easy steps
Guriga, guriga, de szuper vagy!
kasteel van keukenrollen
Космическая Ракета
Awesome Rocket. made from toilet paper rolls. Click here for instructions and photos of the completed project.