Stone Age Art

Cave paintings of wild animals from the stone age
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Rhinoceroses from Chauvet Cave, c. 30,000 BCE
Drakensberg Cave, San Rock Art, South Africa , ca. 500 BCE (?) via Stephen Ellcock
1598 Cave Painting, Altamira
1598 Cave Painting, Altamira | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
the fine artworks of derrick fludd
Petroglyphs and pictographs represent two distinctive methods for producing rock art. Petroglyphs are carved or pecked into an exposed rock surface, while pictographs are painted onto those surfaces.
Spots, Stripes and Spreading Hooves in the Horses of the Ice Age
The famous, highly stylized leopard-spotted horses of Pech Merle. I'm not convinced that these are really meant to be depictions of horses that really were leopard-spotted in life: note that spots like those present on the horses have been depicted elsewhere on the cave walls.
Overview of Cave Paintings and Sculptures
Tableau des principaux caractères du style IV. A. Nord : Arcy-sur-Cure. B. Poitou-Périgord : (1) Les Combarelles, Angles-sur-l'Anglin, Cap-Blanc, Lascaux (Puits) ; (2) Les Combarelles, Rouffignac ; (3) Teyjat. C. Pyrénées : (1) Marsoulas, Niaux, Labastide ; (2) Les Trois-Frères, Le Portel. D. Espagne : (1) Altamira, Santimamiñe; ; (2) Las Chimeneas, El Pindal, Los Casares. The columns left to right are of: Signs, Bison, Aurochs, Horses, Ibex, Reindeer, Mammoths/Deer, Rhinoceros.
Found in 1940, the Lascaux cave paintings represent many animals, including horses, bulls, deer, ibex, cats, a rhinoceros, and even the legendary unicorn. These pictures are accompanied by enigmatic signs and some human representations, such as a man facing a charging bison, raising new questions about the perception of our prehistoric ancestors. These paintings are estimated to be 17,300 years old.
En el principio era Iberia bison cave painting from Altamira cave
Aurochs between Reindeer, Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave in the Ardèche department of southern France | UNESCO World Heritage Site (as of June 2014)
When Was Your Soul Born?
Chauvet Cave Art
Grotte Chauvet Archaeologically Dated
TRACCE no. 12 – by Christian Züchner The Grotte Chauvet was discovered at Christmas 1994. A beautiful picture book came out only a few months later (Chauvet et al. 1995). It has been the main sourc...
Grotte Chauvet Archaeologically Dated
TRACCE no. 12 – by Christian Züchner The Grotte Chauvet was discovered at Christmas 1994. A beautiful picture book came out only a few months later (Chauvet et al. 1995). It has been the main sourc...
Ticia Verveer (@ticiaverveer) on X
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Grotte Chauvet Archaeologically Dated
TRACCE no. 12 – by Christian Züchner The Grotte Chauvet was discovered at Christmas 1994. A beautiful picture book came out only a few months later (Chauvet et al. 1995). It has been the main sourc...