41 Pins
En dilletante
India - Varanasi,”Portrait of a Sadhu” vaisnava, through the narrow streets of the old town by M Majakovskij on Flickr.
Makeup Artists Meet
We are still sparkling over The Val Garland latest “hypnotic” creation for MAC Cosmetics. (photo credit: Twitter: @MAC_Pablo_R) #MUAM #MUAMtalk #Makeup
classy & funky: sophie droogendijk by honer akrawi for grazia france 7th of march 2014
classy & funky: sophie droogendijk by honer akrawi for grazia france 7th of march 2014
Body Language: The Yogis Of India And Nepal (PHOTOS)
The Yogis of India and Nepal by Thomas L. Kelly
INDIA | Freiwilligenarbeit im Ausland | Praktika im Ausland | Sprachkurse | Roadtrips uvm. | Volunteer Work | Internships | Language Courses |
Baba by Manuel Lao / 500px
Baba by Manuel Lao
Colorful sadhu on ghat in Varanasi, makes me want to get into photography.
16 Surreal Places That Make India The Most Beautiful Country In The World
16 Surreal Places That Make India The Most Beautiful Country In The World