Play Pedagogy

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The Power of an Invitation to Play
We all want our kids to get lost in play. We spend precious time, effort, and money in the toys and resources we bring into our homes so that we can facilitate open-ended play that encourages imagining, creating, and playing. One of the tools we can harness in helping our kids get started is through invitations to play. If your kids are not playing with their toys, and you want to figure out why, visit our blog “Reasons your child isn’t playing with their toys (and what to do about it)
Waytoplay + Water
Wet track segments? From playing in bath, the pool or outside in the rain? Well done! Just make sure to dry them thoroughly before stacking! Water play is something that is both a fun and creative way for kids to play year round. On the beach, in the bathtub, at the swimming pool, or just in the backyard, there are endless ways to use water in open-ended play. One of the design features of the Waytoplay roads is that they love being in the water. Here are some ideas to get on your way with
Using Open-Ended Play to Talk About Hard Things With Children
Adults talk about their emotions and experiences. Kids play them. As the famous saying goes, “play is the work of the child, and toys are the tools”. If you have been trying to find a way to broach some harder subjects with your kids in a way that is honoring to their age and communication style...let play lead the way, even when it comes to the hard stuff. Help your child into the driver seat by using play to help them work out and express their emotions. Here are a few tips and ideas for us
The positive impact of playing outside
Getting your kids to play outside isn't just fun -- it's good for them! Here are 3 health and social benefits that come from getting your kids outside. Promotes Social Skills We believe that getting kids to play outside -- and, specifically, engaging in unstructured (open end) play -- promotes a wide range of skills:
Taking the Stress out of Messy Play - 5 Tips to Unlock the Joy
Taking the Stress out of Messy Play - 5 Tips to Unlock the Joy –
Reasons your child isn't playing with their toys (and what to do about
It’s a very common scene. A child is surrounded by toys, but plays with none of them. Why? Many times they are toys we or loved ones have spent precious money on in hopes that they would inspire our children in their play, only to find that our hopes are dashed when our children don’t play the way we imagined. Here are a few quick questions to ask on a regular basis that may help shed light into a reason that may be making it harder for a child's play to take off: 1. Do they have too many c
One BIG Thing That Will Help You Connect With Your Kids
One BIG Thing That Will Help You Connect With Your Kids –
Getting Started with Open-Ended Play
Open-ended play is the one of the most important gifts we can give our children, and is at the heart of the Waytoplay philosophy. If you would like to work on facilitating open-ended play in your family, here are some tips to help you get started and some resources for further encouragement and guidance. What Is Open-Ended Play? Open-ended play is just play that open end. It’s play where the kids do the thinking and NOT the toys. Toys that have a button that gets pushed over and ove
Using Open-Ended Play to Talk About Hard Things with Children
Tips about how to talk to children about sensitive topics using open-ended play. "Play is the work of the child and toys are the tools".
Developmental Skills while Playing With Cars
Playing with cars helps kids in their development. We have found this interesting article written by Rachel Trost. Rachel holds a master in occupational therapy and she highly recommends playing with cars :) Pediatric therapy sessions typically involve a lot of play time! Why? Children learn about their world through play and imitation of adults, and play is much more motivating than sitting at a table completing worksheets. When a child plays with a car, here are a few of the skill areas tha
If you want your kid to get a good job, let them play more
Playing is crucial in establishing the foundations of social, emotional, and academic learning. Teaching them the very skills that robots can’t replace.
The Connection Between Nature and Open-Ended Play
We’ve all had that experience with our kids where they get a present and all they want to play with is the box or the wrapping paper. Their favorite toy is a kitchen utensil they found on their own and now carry endlessly around the house. We laugh about it and move on. If we look a bit closer, however, there is an important lesson in a moment like that we often miss and can learn from should we slow down and think about it. Here’s the don’t have preconceived notions about how t