
73 Pins
Trees Block Print Pattern by Andrea Lauren (Andrea Lauren)
Trees Block Print Pattern by Andrea Lauren | Andrea Lauren | Bloglovin’
Craftaholics Anonymous® | DIY Tangrams Art
Craftaholics Anonymous® | DIY Tangrams Art
artefactuals - blog - ARTEFACT HOME | GARDEN
SouthStreetLinen: Lynn block prints
{ week 22 } it's Monday, so it's #52weeksofprintmaking day! This weeks print is my version of a raindrop :: carved and blockprinted in blue ink, matching the rather overcast day we have here today Have a creative week!
How to make Brilliant DIY Fabric Paint at Home • Craft Invaders
In this tutorial we experimented making our own diy fabric paints from acrylic paint by adding a couple of household ingredients, and came out with fabric paints that not only look fabulous, but are also washable - and we didn't even need to set them with heat!